
Anson Blog

July 24, 2019

Benchmarking Fees for 401(k) Plans [Updated for 2019]

Fee transparency has become a major focus of the Department of Labor in recent years
June 27, 2019

What the news ignores about retirement for baby boomers

For the past 20 years, retirement savings rates have tanked. In 2018, the average savings rate was 6.3% of total income — nowhere near the suggested rate of 15% to 20% that we recommend. These startling numbers contradict with the envisioned daydream of a carefree retirement.
June 7, 2019

4 Actions to Take If You’re Retiring in 2020

Recent headlines have added volatility to the markets. As an investor and retirement saver, how much will this turmoil matter to you in the long run?
May 23, 2019

Is Your Company’s 401(k) Plan as Good as It Could Be?

Some small businesses may not be prepared to benchmark processes and continuously look for and reject unacceptable investments and those associated fees.
March 12, 2018

Owner-Only Businesses Might Benefit From a Solo 401(k)

The Solo 401(k) A retirement savings vehicle designed for the smallest businesses. Provided by Sam Sweitzer, CFA   A solo 401(k) lets a self-employed individual set up a 401(k) plan combined with a profit-sharing plan. You can create one of these if you work for yourself or for […]
May 31, 2017

Millennials and the 401(k)

In all sectors of business, people are talking about Millennials. This generation, or those born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s, has shifted the status quo. Their worldview, their desires, and their expectations have presented a new challenge for businesses. So how does this emerging workforce […]
May 26, 2017
Target Date Fund

The Benefits of a Target Date Fund

Investors who have been automatically enrolled in their company’s 401(k) plan have a good chance of being placed in a Target Date Fund. TDFs are increasingly popular among 401(k) plans and can be a wise investment choice for participants of all ages. Though one of the benefits of […]
May 19, 2017
Plan Committee

Best Practices for 401(k) Retirement Plan Committees

Many 401(k) plan sponsors choose to create committees to help manage the company’s retirement plan. These are typically called “retirement plan committees” or “administrative committees.” Since this group of people is responsible for making policy and investment decisions for their company’s plan, their fiduciary responsibility is significant. Retirement […]
April 28, 2017

Benchmarking Fees for 401(k) Plans

Fee transparency has become a major focus of the Department of Labor in recent years. It is incumbent on plan sponsors to document that they are meeting all requirements for fee evaluation. Sponsors should guarantee that all compensation paid to service providers is reasonable in terms of the […]
April 12, 2017

Structuring a 401(k) Plan Committee

Structuring a 401(k) Plan Committee is a fiduciary duty, but it does not have to be a daunting one. A 401(k) Plan Committee is the crux of a plan’s governance. This efficient decision-making team for the 401(k) plan brings together different perspectives and ideas for the development of […]
April 7, 2017

Participant Education and the 401(k)

In today’s complicated and complex investment world, there is a strong need for active participant education in a company’s retirement plan. According to a recent JP Morgan study: 68% of participants know that they are not saving enough for retirement, saying that their 2015 contributions were below where […]
March 22, 2017

The Benefits of Automatic Enrollment in a 401(k) Plan

Automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans has grown by 50% since 2010 (Vanguard) and with good reason. Automatic enrollment (henceforth referred to as “AE”) reframes the savings decision and generally increases individual participation. When individuals are automatically enrolled in the plan, the decision to decline can become more laborious […]