How We Work - Corporate Plans

What is it like to work with Anson Analytics?

Expected Results

Our clients see their plan right-sized, so that fees and funds are appropriate for the asset level and participant demographics.

We find that many plans are simply being over-charged for their size.

Our clients realize the benefits of implementing best practices from large retirement plans without having to change their vendor or platform.

Because we take an open architecture approach to investment selection, our clients can obtain objective analysis and a broader range of funds through our work.

Employee Education can, over time, increase participation and raise contributions.

As employees are provided with objective and honest advice they begin to share in the vision of the 401(k) plan. Participation and contribution rates can incrementally increase year after year, with a 3-5 year time span required for tangible results.

CFOs and HR Managers experience a drop in stress and workload related to their corporate retirement plan.

We provide plan sponsors with the peace of mind that a true ERISA expert is advising them on their retirement plan. Our fiduciary processes are thorough and rigorous.

ERISA compliance, investment monitoring, and fee disclosure is completed in plain English.

We have a documented process for ensuring that your plan is compliant with the numerous ERISA requirements now in place. Because investment analysis is our background, we commit serious time and energy to finding the best funds and broadest opportunities for a plan. Total fee benchmarking and reporting is now the law. We make it meaningful and beneficial.

We act as a Named Fiduciary, so there is no doubt that we are working in your best interest.

There will be a sense of relief knowing that you are working with an advisor who is conflict-free. Both morally and legally, we stand with you.